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How to Join with Us?

Making donations in the right place is a big challenge. For your convenience, we provide a simple way to overcome the challenge. You can donate virtually from your home anytime to exciting international adventures.

You can join in various ways.

Become a Volunteer

To work for humanity closely, we, the Ruhama Foundation, allow you to join our team as a volunteer and serve humans. Being a volunteer, you will get peace and be rewarded by the Almighty.

Become a Partner

To identify the exact unprivileged person, you can help us join. We welcome corporate, incorporated, institution, community partners, and local partners from every rural to develop locations. Contact our team, or send us mail.

Become an Ambassador

As an ambassador, you can join our every project and program. You can spread the light of hope and share your ideas to become an ambassador. Submit your details and be a partner of our community.