The Ruhama Foundation trusts the generosity of donors to support our motive and continue to impact the lives of those who need it positively. A significant difference can be made to your support of those who are less fortunate. We invite you to donate to our motive and help us. Your support allows us to continue to provide essential services to vulnerable communities. Your support can help us provide:

  • An orphaned child gets a loving home and can continue to study
  • A community receives clean and safe water sources who are in need
  • Free food baskets to families who are struggling to make ends meet
  • Free education to children from underprivileged backgrounds
  • Adult literacy programs to empower people in to enable them to improve their lives
  • Financial assistance to those in need, including support for medical expenses, housing, and other basic needs
  • Relief and rehabilitation support to communities affected by natural disasters, conflicts, and other emergencies
  • Free healthcare services to those who cannot afford it
  • Facilities for Ibadah (worship), creating a sense of community and belonging
  • Zakat funds those in need, helping to alleviate poverty and assist those who need it most.

No donation is too small. Every little detail counts and can significantly impact the lives of those who need it most. We thank you for your support and generosity. Visit our website or contact us directly to donate. Your support can help us improve the lives of those who need it most.


How To Use Donate


Will your donation be put to good use? This is the most critical question. According to the Ruhama Foundation, the answer is yes. The Ruhama Foundation works hard daily to keep your donation safe. We are accountable to you, the people we serve, and, most importantly, Allah (SWT). Our primary target is to use your generous donation most effectively.

We keep it as transparent as possible. Together, we are saving and transforming the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people. We cannot do anything without your support. So please continue to give to the Ruhama Foundation and help save even more lives.