

Ruhuma Foundation is a non-profit organization in the USA. The teachings and values of the holy Quran and Sunnah guide us. We work in the humanitarian and social justice sectors. Our obligations to humanity and our genuine love for Allah drive our deeds. Donors from all over the world can use this online fundraising tool to donate online to those in need.

How does the Ruhuma Foundation work?

The Ruhuma Foundation is committed to providing necessities and promoting social justice and equality. We have a work strategy to achieve this.

  • We focus on essential services such as food, water, shelter, education, healthcare, and spiritual guidance.
  • We collaborate with local partners and volunteers to identify and address community needs.
  • We organize fundraisers, distribute pamphlets, run Ramadan campaigns, provide aid, and start project initiatives.
  • We are continuously dedicated to organizing diverse campaigns and initiatives, such as fundraising events, brochures, relief campaigns, and project campaigns.

Our Five Core Value

To successfully address social concerns, our organization combines Islamic ideals with its experience in development work. We are dedicated to the following five fundamental principles:

Adl (social justice):

Ruhama Foundation empowers vulnerable communities, helping them realize their full potential. The organization promotes the rights of underprivileged communities to make a more equitable society.

Rahma (compassion):

Our mission is to reduce poverty, calamity, and injustice-related suffering. We value every life, administer programs with empathy and dignity, and focus on enhancing well-being.

Ihsan (excellence):

Ruhama Foundation pursues excellence in program delivery and operations, upholding high standards. We aim to serve communities and maximize impact with dedication, efficiency, and sincerity.

Ikhlas (sincerity):

A genuine devotion to Allah and a sense of duty to humanity drive the Ruhama Foundation's activities. Selflessness is a top priority for the organization.

Mana (custodianship):

Ruhuma values and protects the earth's resources and people. To effectively address social concerns, the organization combines Islamic ideals with its experience in development work.


Our Projects

Our Projects

Our Projects


Many kids lack the chance and benefit of receiving an education—not just any education, but an excellent quality education. Our goal is to assist underprivileged children who require education.


We aim to feed the hungry with wholesome, sustainably produced food. One of the most important steps in ending the hunger epidemic is granting access to clean water.


We provide shelter for those who badly need it. We fulfil this project through our orphanage and rehabilitation program.

Project Details

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Project information

  • Category: Orphanage
  • Location: Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Start date: 01 March, 2020
  • Project URL: www.example.com
Project Details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.

Project information

  • Category: Orphanage
  • Location: Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Start date: 01 March, 2020
  • Project URL: www.example.com




Through our support and care, we are giving orphaned children worldwide hope. Sponsoring an orphan has a transformative effect on their lives.

Raised $5,000
Goal $10,000


Building Mosques

Donate to build a Mosque and offer sadaqah. This grant funds the construction of Allah's houses in rural communities. Come to build a Mosque and get great rewards from Allah.

Raised $5,000
Goal $10,000


Relief & Rehabilitation

We help and encourage people everywhere. Our Relief and Rehabilitation Program is essential to reacting quickly to emergencies around the globe.

Raised $5,000
Goal $10,000


Zakat Distribution

We are vital to the lives of millions of people worldwide. Your Zakat can change people's lives! By saving a life, you can fortify your imaan. Zakat payments enable those in need around the world to get assistance.

Raised $5,000
Goal $10,000


Free Education

Since there will be no better future leaders without a high-quality education, one of the causes of poverty is a lack of education. Let's work together to remove ignorance.

Raised $5,000
Goal $10,000


Free Healthcare

Our healthcare initiatives provide people worldwide with a lifeline. In addition to supplying materials and training to existing facilities, we assist in the clinics and provide free medical services.

Raised $5,000
Goal $10,000

Join Us

We believe that together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need. Join us in our mission to create a better world for all.